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Welcome to the official USA LOWA site!

Resole Service

Resoling Service is BACK!

Help keep your LOWAs on the trails, not in landfills.

LOWA's resole and repair services are now available in the U.S. through Daub’s Cobbler Shop, a small, family-owned business in Laconia, New Hampshire. By keeping repairs local, we eliminate the need to ship worn boots overseas, reducing fuel consumption and minimizing environmental impact. With factory training in Germany, Daub’s team ensures every stitch meets the same high standards as the original manufacturing process.

Daub’s can resole footwear with cemented construction, like those in our backpacking and mountaineering lines made in Germany and Italy, including popular styles like the TIBET GTX, CAMINO GTX, RANGER GTX, LADY LIGHT GTX, ALPINE EXPERT II GTX

However, injected soles, such as the RENEGADE EVO and ZEPHYR MK2, cannot be resoled by Daub’s without compromising the shoe’s structural integrity. In some cases, minor repairs for injected footwear, like restitching and replacing hardware is possible.  

If you have questions about repairing your LOWA footwear, send an inquiry to Daub’s before submitting a ticket.  

To submit a repair ticket, contact Daub’s directly and provide details about the needed repairs. Services are priced à la carte. Specifying the work required will help them give an accurate estimate. They are ready and waiting. Submit your repair ticket by clicking the button below.