LOWA Kids Shoes: "I Really Recommend Them"
June 24, 2024

However, in our opinion the Lowa boots do justify why they are more expensive and really do add up to good value, particularly if you really like getting out there on more adventurous and further afield walks with your children. Check them out if you’re in the market for decent kids walking boots.
We are always looking for the ideal boots for our son as getting decent footwear for small children can be a real challenge. These Lowas were fantastic.
Our son tested his Lowas out in a variety of conditions including mountain terrain on a boys weekend walking and camping trip, valley walks in the Cairngorms and wet bog trotting walks (is there any other kind?) in the North West of Scotland.
One of the first things our son said was how comfy the boots were compared to his previous ones. He seemed very confident and sure footed from the off without any worries of the new boots trips and falls that we sometimes get. The Lowa boots are a mid-width allowing good comfort whilst also not being too square fronted to lose precision.
Next our son mentions that he can’t feel sharp stones through these boots unlike his previous ones. They have a good grippy sole which is sturdy but still has plenty of flex and so on, providing a good balance between support and flexibility to not restrict his feet.
He will happily wear the Lowa boots for significant distance and time without mentioning discomfort in his feet such as pins and needles, which has been an issue in some previous footwear. Finally they are gore-tex lined so are waterproof by design. He has tested this thoroughly, wading through pretty deep puddles and walking across boggy ground, but after his feet were completely dry.

* This review shared from An Outdoors Family: Enjoying Outdoor Family Life, One Adventure at a Time.