LOWA Winter Events Preview
June 24, 2024

We’re traveling the country to meet you at ice climbing and mountaineering events this winter! We’ll be demoing our mountaineering and ice climbing boots, as well as providing prizes and giveaways. If you’ll be at any of these festivals, be sure to say hi and try on our latest boots!

Ines Papert - Alpinism on the Edge of Dreams
December 10 | Golden, CO
As part of the Colorado Mountain Club Speaker Series, world-class alpinist Ines Papert will talk about the highlights and challenges of her career with her partner in life and climbing, Luka Lindič.
Get more information on Ines’ talk here.

Bozeman Ice Festival
December 11-15 | Bozeman, MT
The Bozeman Ice Festival is one of the largest ice festivals in the country, with clinics for ice climbing, mountaineering and mixed climbing. These clinics are guided by professional climbers, including LOWA athletes Ines Papert, Carlos Buhler, and Allison Roskelley. The clinics limit participants to small numbers so that you get one-on-one time with the instructors. Plus, the clinics come with demos of the newest gear, including LOWA boots such the Alpine Ice GTX and Alpine Expert GTX!
After spending the day climbing, relax and recover in Bozeman. The festival is hosting lots of talks (including a talk with Ines Papert sponsored by LOWA) a gear swap, a film festival, and of course, lots of parties. All of these events will have swag galore!
Learn more about the festival here.

25th Annual Ouray Ice Festival
January 23-26 | Ouray, CO
The Ouray Ice Festival will celebrate its 25th anniversary with clinics, vendor exhibitions, ice climbing competitions, and lots of presentations and parties! While the evening events and parties cost money, watching the competitions, climbing with friends and checking out the vendors are all free. The festival promises their 25th will be the biggest yet, so don’t miss it! Demo LOWA boots such as the Ice Rocket GTX, Alpine Ice GTX and Alpine Expert GTX.
Don’t miss the Hari Berger Speed Comp sponsored by LOWA on Sunday, January 26. Put your speed skills to the test—you’ll get to race up a wall next to another athlete, and then switch routes, so that each athlete climbs the same two routes, back-to-back. Then, you’ll get to watch other athletes do the same. We’ll be providing cash prizes!
Get the details here

Michigan Ice Fest
February 12-16 | Munsing, MI
The Michigan Ice Fest will offer classes for climbers of all abilities, including for kids ages 8-14. LOWA Ambassador Carlos Buhler will be presenting clinics and of course, you can demo our latest & greatest ice climbing boots such as the Alpine Ice GTX & Alpine Expert GTX.
Register for the Michigan Ice Fest here

*Ice Climbing at Ouray. Photo by Cody Tuttle.
If you’re going to be at any of these events, be sure to say hi!