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LOWA Live! With Beth Whitman | Tune in on Thursday, June 10

June 22, 2024

The world is beginning to open back up to travel. Whether you’re planning a domestic road trip or a bigger trip abroad, LOWA Ambassador, world traveler and trip leaderBeth Whitman  will share her tips for getting back into the swing of travel and answer your questions during this LOWA Live presentation on Zoom. She’ll provide tips on how to navigate issues that have arisen due to Covid-19 including limited availability of car rentals, increased flight costs and whether or not you should get travel insurance.

LOWA Live! is free and open to all on Zoom and you can tune in on Thursday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m. MST/7:30 MST. Please use the info and link below to join the Zoom event tomorrow.
Meeting ID: 995 5311 6854
Passcode: 470407

You can RSVP to the event and submit questions here!

Photo courtesy of Beth Whitman