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In Memoriam: Cody Tuttle

June 24, 2024

In Memoriam
Cody Tuttle
1987 - 2019

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Cody Tuttle, our ambassador, collaborator and good friend, who lost his life in a paragliding accident on August 14, 2019 in Owens Valley, California. Cody was an extraordinarily talented filmmaker and photographer who told stories about the mountains that resonated with humanity and compassion.

Whether he was filming paragliders, documenting the aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal or fighting to protect wild places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Cody’s thoughtfulness and passion for our planet and its people were the threads that were woven through every story he told.

We extend our deepest condolences to Cody’s family and friends. He will be greatly missed.


View some of Cody’s recent work: