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Freddy Grossniklaus

Occupation: UIAGM Swiss Mountain Guide, Alpine ski racing coach
Hometown: Beatenberg, Switzerland

I was born in Beatenberg, Switzerland overlooking the famous trilogy of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. I grew up in a lovely village around farmers, nice people, a caring family, a simple life with lots of outdoor activities, including ski racing. When my brother Dany and I were old enough, our dad took us for crystal hunting in the mountains - that was the start of my mountaineering career. I did apprenticeship as roofer for three years, became a ski instructor and an examiner in Beatenberg and Wengen. In 1991 I became UIAGM Mountain guide with the Swiss Mountain Guide Association successfully, and I have been guiding ever since throughout the world. I now coach alpine ski racing in Park City during the winter so I am around my family, but come spring I start ski touring and mountaineering and continue deep into fall before I return to Park City.  

Having great clients, a great wife and good kids. Being able to guide on a high level in rock climbing, mixed terrain, mountaineering ice climbing steep skiing and ski tours. Never had a serious accident with a client is another highlight, there is always some luck involved but also good decision making. 

Fun Fact:
I am a happy, sarcastic old, “but dynamic" mountain guide, simply a character. Some like it and some do not, that does not worry me too much anymore- there are plenty of other guides! I want to be honest to my philosophy and my own personality. I hate hypocrites! So it is always funny around me.

What are you looking forward to?
Being healthy, able to do what I want to do. I am my own boss during the summer guiding, so I can decide where, when and with whom I guide. It is a big responsibility, but I have been doing it a long time so I can be relaxed and if it gets dangerous I can turn around and it will be good for me, as I believe “there are bold guides, but no old bold guides.” Coming home after every trip with smiling clients and my family greeting me, then going for a weissbier with my wife are the most important things.

What’s an interesting trip/climb/expedition where you’ve taken your LOWAs?
I guided in Peru in the Cordillera Blanca and after the climbing we went to Machu Picchu where I used my mountaineering boots to explore the Inca village. Best decision ever, as it started to rain like a monsoon. I was dry and comfortable on the slick rock and grass. The other people at first looked at me funny, but I knew I did the right move ha, ha…

My favorite LOWAs:
I like the Alpine Pro GTX the best for mountaineering and the Innox GTX for in town, all-day use.